How to Import Material from China: A Step-by-Step Guide
China’s vast manufacturing industry offers a wide range of products. Electronics, toys, accessories, almost everything are made in China. Importing goods from China is indeed a great opportunity. However, it can be tricky as well. The first question that arose is how to import material from China? This article will provide you a step-by-step guide […]
Step by Step Tutorial on How to Find Export-Import Companies Contact
Sometimes as a businessman, we find that finding and contacting export-import companies is a daunting task. However, the benefits of establishing fruitful partnerships with such companies are undeniable, ranging from access to diverse markets to the potential for substantial revenue growth. In this article, a step-by-step tutorial will be given on how to find export-import […]
How to Finding Manufacturers and Calculating Cost of Goods Manufactured
In today’s competitive business landscape, finding manufacturers rightly and accurately calculating the cost of goods manufactured are two pivotal steps that can make or break a product’s success. Whether you’re a business owner, entrepreneur, or product manager, understanding these aspects is essential for efficient production and overall profitability. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk […]
Mengenal Supplier Relationship Management dan Kegunaannya untuk Bisnis
Dalam dunia bisnis yang kian hari kian kompetitif, menjaga hubungan dengan para pemasok atau supplier menjadi salah satu kunci penting untuk mempertahankan bisnis. Hubungan tersebut dapat terjaga dengan baik bila supplier relationship management diterapkan. Apa itu Supplier Relationship Management? Supplier relationship management adalah strategi yang digunakan untuk memperkuat dan mengoptimalkan kerja sama antara perusahaan dan […]
Pengusaha Pemula Wajib Tahu, Ini Dia Tips Mencari Supplier Tangan Pertama!
Supplier atau yang dalam bahasa Indonesianya disebut sebagai pemasok adalah orang atau perusahaan yang menjual bahan baku yang akan diolah oleh perusahaan atau orang lain menjadi barang yang siap dijual. Sementara itu, supplier tangan pertama adalah produsen yang pertama kali memproduksi produk dalam jumlah besar. Bagi para reseller, dropshipper, dan pengusaha pemula, penting untuk mencari […]
What is Supplier Portal? Learn Finding Wholesale Suppliers Here!
It is undeniable that technology has taken over many fields nowadays. From science to creative fields, from communication to business, everything has involved technology. Especially in business. In the fast-paced world of business, working together and being efficient is crucial. That’s why there’s this thing called supplier portals to support the effectiveness. What is supplier […]